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Hello! I’m Aishetu Fatima Dozie

I am proudly all of the following things: Mother & Wife | Founder and CEO | Board Director | Champion of Women in Business | Creative & Design Thinker | ex Global Finance Executive | Nigerian American

Explore my site to learn more about me, my background, and what I have been up to as of late. Thanks for visiting!

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Work desk

My Professional Bio

I am a former global finance and capital markets executive with two decades of experience from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Standard Chartered Bank, The World Bank, and Rand Merchant Bank. I have provided advice to CEOs seeking to leverage public/private capital markets in their growth objectives across consumer products, non-Rx pharmaceuticals, banks and financial institutions, infrastructure, and oil and gas. I have built multi-jurisdictional businesses within large international corporations as well as scaled two businesses as a mission-driven entrepreneur.

I am a global citizen and have worked/lived in New York, London, South Africa, Nigeria, and Central and South America. My transaction experience is both broad and deep reflecting my ability to navigate cultures and regulatory jurisdictions with a keen focus on effective execution. I have worked on over $130 billion in M&A, private equity financings, IPOs, and public capital market transactions.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from Cornell University, a Master of Business Administration degree from the Harvard Business School, I participated in the Leaders in Development Program at the John F. Kennedy School at Harvard University, and was a Fellow in the Distinguished Careers Institute at Stanford University.

My Current Passion

I am the founder and chief executive of Bossy Cosmetics Inc.

We ignite confidence in self-identifying ambitious women through high-quality cosmetic products, topical content, and essential services.  We launched on International Women's Day 2019 and it's been a privilege to build this brand from scratch and connect with amazing women around the world

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Why cosmetics?

I say, why not? I founded Bossy Cosmetics because I wanted to reimagine the way the beauty industry designed and created products and experiences for ambitious women.  Our mission statement is empowering women to look, feel, and do GOOD and we believe this can be done with high-quality and affordable luxe beauty products.

African HERstory

Celebrating the success of African women in business with real stories

This is one of the most rewarding side hustles of my life!  While managing a full-time executive role as an investment banker, I set off to capture the essence of a few African women whose success stories are inspirational.  Real women, real stories.  We covered careers in finance, art, manufacturing, law, theatre, and more.  I wasn't hearing enough positive stories about ambitious Black women so I decided to tell the stories myself.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston S. Churchill

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